Customer Testimonials

4.9 Rating with over 40 Online Reviews

I like the no-nonsense, straighforward approach that Matt and his team have. They are professional and courteous and I like the quality installation and of course the savings. Going solar with Optimum Solar helps us be eco-friendly and save money at the same time. Thanks Matt!
Keith Christie
Facebook Review
We worked with Matt Crowell on the installation of our solar panel system and upgrade to high efficiency HVAC systems as a comprehensive energy upgrade. He did a great job navigating the complex incentives provided by the local utilities and federal energy programs to maximize our savings. He brought in the right people to do all the installations and provided financing for our project. We are very happy to see the power we are now generating and savings on our energy bills.
Nathaniel Talledge
Google Review
Matt was great to work with. He helped me understand the benefits, kept the project moving, and was very responsive to my questions along the way. I am enjoying watching my credit balance build with the power company.
Jeff O
Solar Reviews
Matt was very straightforward to work with and always had the answers to our questions. The pricing was really competitive and the process was very smooth. The only thing is it did take quite some-time and I feel like that could have been a little faster.``Overall I highly recommend working with these guys
Karen Stensrud
Facebook Review
This company had such a straightforward process and everything was very organized which I loved! Communication was actually really good! We have had several bad experiences with contractors and the lack of communication in the past, so this experience was a breath of fresh air! I definitely recommend Optimum Energy Group!
K. Vibes
Google Review
Optimum Solar made the process of buying and installing solar panels on my roof easy. No pressure and good communication through every phase.
Alexander Hale
Facebook Review
Matt was very straightforward to work with and always had the answers to our questions. The pricing was really competitive and the process was very smooth. The only thing is it did take quite some-time and I feel like that could have been a little faster.``Overall I highly recommend working with these guys
Dallas Cunningham
Google Review
We were very happy with the service Matt provided. It was honestly surprised how much solar reduced ours in our annual savings. Overall, very happy we went with Optimum!
Cinevzn Media
Solar Reviews


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