
Your home is worth 4.1% more with Solar Power 

The latest trends home buyers seek out are a solar power system (and a zoom room!) Today’s young home buyers seek to be minimal, tech savvy and want to help the environment. They seek out smart, efficient, and environmentally friendly homes. More than 80% of home buyers say energy-efficient features are important according to the Zillow Group Consumer Housing Trends Report.
And so, when you have a solar power system installed on your home it will dramatically increase it’s value to this buyer. Most home buyers understand the value of solar these days. It is now the cheapest source of electricity, is environmentally friendly, and provides energy independence.
Another study from Zillow reports that on average homes with solar-energy systems sold for 4.1% than comparable homes without solar power. For the median-valued home in Minnesota, that translates to an additional $9,659.60.
A second study from Lawrence Berkeley finds that homes with solar panels will benefit from a ‘solar premium’ when they are sold because buyers are willing to pay more for a home with solar.
Additionally, your zero-down green loan financing is transferable. You just transfer your solar payment to the new homeowner. The new homeowner then receives the sustainable future energy cost savings that you have begun. And a payment that is lower than what the utility bill would have been without the solar system.
If you’re worried that some people won’t understand or want a solar power system……you’re right! People won’t select a particular house for many reasons. However, many surely will choose the home with solar power already installed and easily understand that they either pay the rising cost of utility rates or pay for a solar system to provide their energy at a lower cost.
And finally, it is worth noting that when you do install a solar power system on your home, your property will NOT have a higher tax assessed value. And there are no sales taxes related to the purchase of this solar power system.
And more great news – through 2021 the IRS is offering a 22% Federal Tax Credit for the cost of installing solar on your home, a savings of almost a quarter of the cost! With this and your utility rebates your cost of installing solar is less expensive than your utility bill, on day one!
Today’s homeowners can confidently make the switch to solar power energy independence and reap the benefits before, during and after selling their home to today’s environmentally aware home buyer. (And don’t forget to fix up that spare bedroom for a Zoom Room!)
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