
Cocooning Raising your Electric Bill?

You may have noticed your electric bill rising this past year, as have many others. Today’s stay at home culture has increased home energy usage by 22% on average through out the United States since early Spring based on an analysis of changes in home energy trends by Sense (Home Energy Monitoring Technology)

With this increase in Home-Sweet-Home time, items such as air conditioners and heaters may be on day and night. And probably the family’s computers are on for the better part of each day.
Not to mention lighting, the copier, phone chargers, webcam, radios, TV, and the fridge opening and shutting. All of the time.  In fact, your electricity use may be higher times 2.
In ordinary times, home electricity use perks up in the morning as people wake up and start their day, then drops when people leave the house for school, work and other activities. But that predictable pattern has changed for some.
“People are sleeping in later into the day,” says Tufts University economist Steve Cicala, who’s been monitoring electric demand. “Then it’s like a smooth increase over the course of the day because they’re at home. And I think people are staying up a little bit later, too.”
Home energy usage would typically drop in the middle of the day between 10 am and 4 pm, when many people are away from home for work or school. Utilities call this pattern the “duck curve.”
The average home showed steadily rising energy usage starting at 5 am and peaking at 4 pm, followed by declining use through the evening and overnight. This change in energy usage reflects that most people are home all day and using electricity.
In other words, the home’s energy “duck curve” has flattened for most Americans.

This time of self-reliance and family cocooning is also an opportunity in ways. Some of these changes may well be good to hang on to and expand on as we adjust and move forward. Making the leap to energy self-reliance and producing your own electricity with solar panels on your house may be a wise and well timed investment.

Your family would not only spend less money on the increasing energy you need, but making your own electricity from the sun would also be helping preserve this natural world that you and yours have had a bit more time to appreciate.
Talk to our Optimum Energy Group Energy Advisors at 1-888-782-6910 www.optimumsolargroup.com and learn more about producing your family’s own electricity. Save money, save the earth, simply smarter.

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